For those still lingering on Defiance 2013 on the Xbox 360, Trion Worlds unfortunately has some bad news. The Xbox 360 servers for the game will be shut down permanently on May 25th. Citing "old technical systems" as the major reason, the team behind the MMO are urging players to join the community on Defiance 2050.
Today we’re announcing that after many years of epic battles, we’re closing Xbox 360 as a platform for Defiance 2013. This was not an easy decision for our Team, but due to old technical systems, it became impossible to properly sustain the game. Undoubtedly this will cause disappointment amongst many of you – which we understand – but we’re also making it easy to continue your adventure on Defiance 2050 seamlessly.
Some items from Defiance 2013 can transfer to Defiance 2050, such as the E-Rep Spy Outfit and some vehicles, but in order to do so you'll need to link your Defiance 2013 and 2050 accounts to do so. Trion is also offering Valor Commendations based on player's Pursuit Progress and purchaes made on the account. Finally, Defiance 2050 players will be treated to 100% XP and Reputation Boosts beginning Monday, May 25th through June 1st, 2020.
You can check out the full post on the Trion website, including the full list of items that can be transferred when you link your account. Xbox 360 players have a little under a month till the servers close, so you'll want to start the process to transfer soon to start out the gates with the XP boost on May 25th.