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DCUO Makes it Easier to Report Toxicity

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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Toxicity is something we all experience and witness in gaming. It sucks. Fortunately, the DC Universe Online team have made it easier to report toxicity.

The letter to the community touched on reporting cheaters, reporting toxic behavior, and just why having a healthy community is critical for players and developers alike.

Senior Community Manager, Mepps, notes in the letter,

“Every person should feel welcome and comfortable here, and every person is responsible for upholding this ideal. And this is important. A community's health is one of the most telling indicators of a game's longevity - our game is our community. Most of us are welcoming to others, helpful to new and veteran players alike, and here to enjoy this DC fantasy with their friends.”

Mepps notes how the impact of toxicity is far reaching, with the loudness of such toxicity often times drowning out those in the community who are well-meaning. If you want to report toxicity and cheaters, email the following:

When you do, include the following information:

  • Character Name
  • Date and Time
  • Links to videos or screenshots (but please do not attach files to the email)
  • Brief description of the behavior

You can read the full letter here. Earlier this month, DCUO introduced the Tides of War summer event, which you can catch up on here. But perhaps the big announcement from earlier this year was all episodes being made free. If you haven’t jumped into DCUO in some time, check out our MMO ReRoll impressions here.