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DCUO 'Long Live the Legion' Launching Today

Hopefully downtime is done

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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As a reminder, the next DC Universe Online update, Long Live the Legion, is set to launch today.

The team warns on Twitter that, despite the downtime started at 5:30a PT this morning, downtime was scheduled to take eight hours. In this update, Saturn Girl, Cosmic Boy, and Lightning Lad work together to figure out just Mordru has been planning as chaos occurs in Metropolis in the 31st Century. You’ll travel in time with the Teen Titans to save the day.

There will be both standard and elite version of the update available. However, there will be level agnostic event versions of content for free for all players. This latest episode will also include new in addition to returning allies and enemies. This includes the aforementioned Mordru in addition to Emerald Empress and Validus. 

The world of 31st Century Metropolis will include better world boss encounters, new rewards, and new mechanics. These new rewards include gear, artifacts, styles, base items, and feats. Look for the update today on PC, PS5, Xbox One, and Switch.