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DC Universe Online 'World of Flashpoint' Permanently Free for Everyone

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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In some surprising news, the folks behind DC Universe Online have announced that World of Flashpoint episode will be free for everyone. No, this isn’t an April Fool’s joke.

The team cites a membership update going into the Summer and are currently exploring models where content to DCUO is not locked behind paywalls. Regarding making this episode free now while the Membership update hasn’t happened, the team notes,

“We want to see how this works for World of Flashpoint and for you, and we also don't want to sell you an episode now and then give it away to everyone a few months later. We absolutely understand that access to all episodes is an important part of the value of Membership, and that this will be accounted for in our Membership update if we continue in this direction.”

World of Flashpoint, therefore, will be free for everyone when it launches next month in April on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. Naturally, reactions have been mixed if we jump over to the forums.

Some folks are happy with this news,

“Wooo one more reason not to pay for a subscription. this is super great and saves me cash every month,”

Still others feel disappointed since they’re paying members,

“It feels like your always happy to take things away from members, diminishing its value first but not the other way around and this has been happening for ages now in the form of perpetually existent open episodes, a significant part of membership was always DLC access, but that's been long gone with seemingly zero change for over a year now...With moves like this it gets harder and harder to argue that people aren't just paying $15 a month give or take simply for a cash cap.”

What are your thoughts?