The St. Patrick’s Day event is available now on DC Universe Online’s test server, along with several other updates.
If you’re looking to get in on the event, be on the lookout for “Mxyleprechauns!” in your Mission Journal. Be sure to talk to Mister Mxyzptlk at your HQ. The patch notes also touch on the team’s plans to tackle DPS Supercharges balance.
They state their primary issue they’re facing is that supercharges have a pretty broad range of damage which don’t accurately reflect difficulty to use them, nor their actual cost. For example, the note that some 5k supercharges outperformed 10k supercharges.
To that end, the team is aiming to level out the cost of supercharges by cost, ease of use, and risks. They provide a list of some methods by which they’ll address this. For example, here are just two ways they’re going about balancing:
- Base damage of a 10,000 cost supercharge will be approximately 250% stronger than the base damage of a 5,000 cost supercharge.
- Base damage of a 5,000 cost supercharge will be approximately 250% stronger than the base damage of a 2,500 cost supercharge.
You can check out the full patch notes here.