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Daybreak's CEO Ji Ham Taking Over As Acting CEO Of EG7 As Co-Founder Robin Flodin Steps Down

Joseph Bradford Updated: Posted:
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Late last week, Swedish company Enad Global 7, which made waves towards the end of last year as it purchased a fair number of gaming properties including MMORPG developer/publisher Daybreak Game Company, announced its co-founder and CEO Robin Flodin would be stepping down. As a result, Daybreak's current CEO, Ji Ham, would be stepping into the role of acting CEO of EG7. 

The announcement made via press release last week sees EG7 announce that the two parties, Flodin and the company proper have agreed to have the former transition away from his role at EG7. As a result, Ji Ham has stepped into the role of acting CEO while EG7 puts out a search for a permanent CEO. No reason as to why the transition is occurring was given in the release.

Ji Ham has been the CEO of Daybreak for the past six years, which EG7 points to as a reason for his appointment to the acting CEO of the company in the interim. Flodin will stay on for the next six months to help Ham transition to the new dties before stepping away entirely.

Flodin endeared himself to fans in a series of videos after the Daybreak acquisition, pointing to plans to help grow and build upon the success of the company into the future. It's concerning, then, to have such a public change of leadership so soon after such a large swathe of acquisitions. However, Chairman of EG7's board, Alexander Albedj, calls the transition a "natural" one.

"The transition to new leadership is a natural part to be even more successful in the next phase of growth. Ji has experience in leading and growing gaming groups with a global reach as well as an extensive and highly successful background in strategic and synergistic acquisitions in gaming. I am extremely proud to have been associated with EG7 during Robin’s tenure as CEO as the company has grown from its humble beginnings as a local game consulting company into a global gaming group, and I personally thank him for his devotion to the company."

Back in December, EG7 acquired Daybreak Game Company for $300 Million, as well as Mechwarrior developer Pirahna Games and later MMORPG publisher Innova. Since then the company has been pretty public about their plans to improve and build the teams and studios they've acquired, as well as eventually move their titles over to Innova's 4Games platform in addition to their current publishing platforms. 


Joseph Bradford

Joseph has been writing or podcasting about games in some form since about 2012. Having written for multiple major outlets such as IGN, Playboy, and more, Joseph started writing for MMORPG in 2015. When he's not writing or talking about games, you can typically find him hanging out with his 15-year old or playing Magic: The Gathering with his family. Also, don't get him started on why Balrogs *don't* have wings. You can find him on Twitter @LotrLore