Layoffs are being reported at Daybreak Game Company, with some at Dimensional Ink, responsible for DC Universe Online, said to be hit. Others across the company are affected in an unknown number of cuts, with more senior staff said to be mostly affected.
An ongoing report of industry layoffs from Kotaku has noted that Dimensional Ink “lost several senior staff”, according to a current employee that confirmed the news to them. Others confirmed their own layoffs on LinkedIn, at Dimensional Ink or at Daybreak itself. Among them are Andy D. a former Art Producer on DCUO, and Sarah Walker, a recruiter at Daybreak.
Universe Online has been eyeing an announced expansion to current-gen consoles via a new patch on the way. That update was originally said to release sometime around holiday 2023, before a team at Dimensional Ink updated and said that that update, bringing the game to PlayStation 5 and Xbox series X|S, would be releasing sometime in Q1 2024. This means anytime now, so it's a good question whether these layoffs affect that timing and risk pushing it back again.
The brutal series of layoffs in the industry looks to keep continuing as we get further into this new year after a rough 2023.
As far as others affected at Daybreak Game Company, which teams are affected, and the total number of jobs lost, that is yet to be confirmed. Yet, it does look like there were a number across the company in what continues to be a tough year.