Dark or Light

Darkest Dungeon II Mod Support Set to Arrive Before End of June

Casey Bell Posted:
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Darkest Dungeon II developer Red Hook Studios published an update on the game’s mod support earlier this week.

In the update, the developer announced that the first iteration of mod support for DD2 is coming soon. The team plans to release mod support for the game in incremental stages due to challenges presented by the game’s adoption of a new engine different from the one used on the original Darkest Dungeon.

This approach, Red Hook argues, gets the tools into players’ hands sooner and also allows for players to provide feedback along the way to help guide the studio’s decisions towards the type of mod support players want most. Staging things out this way also allows the studio to better balance its workload between mod support, the game’s console launch, and the release of Kingdoms.

The initial deployment of mod support will release on PC before the end of June and will focus on mod loading and overwriting logic as well as Steam workshop integration. This should allow modders to modify any exposed .csv files and assemble them as Steam workshop packages. This means mods that create items from scratch and new hero palettes will be possible after the first release of mod support.

For more, read the full announcement on Steam.