Game Bridger Entertainment has announced that a large update has been added to the game. Included in the update is the new zone called the Damned Burial Ground. In addition to the new zone, new items and monsters have been added. A new master-apprentice system has also been implemented that gives experienced players the opportunity to earn previously unreleased game items simply for helping out new players with the early levels of the game.
An early version of the Master & Apprentice program is available starting today! The system as a whole is still largely in development, but players can read about how the system will work and experienced players (level 40 or above) can sign up now as Masters. We are allowing Masters to sign up early so that players that wish to become Apprentices will have a good selection of Masters to choose from when the system launches in full. Apprentice sign-ups will be made available soon.
Find out more about becoming a Master here.