The newest TEST patch notes are here for Crowfall bringing about some changes and fixes to the campaign and more.
At present, there’s a known issue relating to wall pieces which don’t want to connect properly. Campaign has seen some fixes and changes including:
- Fixed an exploit that allowed caravans to be turned in twice. Thank you Unemployed Balloon for reporting this!
- Fix victory card descriptions not appearing.
- You’ll now be able to place a siege weapon without any errors into a siege parcel.
- Fixed an issue where victory card progress wasn't being properly calculated
The fixes don’t stop there, however. UI received a bevy of fixes as well:
- Fixed an issue with health bars showing as grey/ white and also fixed so that health bars do not show through objects like rocks, walls ect.
- Fixed buffs sometimes missing UI elements.
- Fixed buff durations so they no longer flicker.
- Fixed the buff tray staying extended into the middle of the screen when logging out.
Other changes and fixes were introduced to chat, powers, disciplines, along with some more general fixes.