The latest test patch notes for Crowfall are available, and they bring several adjustments for powers and more.
The powers adjustments are included for Assassin, Cleric, Duelist, Frostweaver, Knight, and Templar. For example, Frostweaver saw several adjustments including:
- Frostweaver: Promotion Class: Archmage: Archmage Piercing Cold talent now correctly states Ranged Distance Cap as the stat that will be increased.
- Frostweaver: Promotion Class: Archmage: Archdruid promotion node now correctly says Final Mitigations Cap increase.
- Frostweaver: Cold to Touch Power: Fixed an issue causing Cold to the Touch to stun on the 6th hit instead of the 5th.
The patch also brings adjustments to campaigns, Eternal Kingdom, UI, disciplines, and some more general fixes. Eternal Kingdom changes, for example, included
- Fixed an issue that prevented you from being able to pick up buildings in your EK
- Crafting Station: Fixed an issue where players were having trouble placing Crafting Stations on buildings.
- /eklisttokens should now work properly
- Banners are now added to Guild Halls.