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Crowfall Will Share What's Next in Live Stream Today

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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Save the date for…later today as the Crowfall team will share what they have planned next for the MMO. Here are the details you’ll need to know, including when and where you’ll need to tune in.

The team shared the news earlier yesterday on their official Twitter page. This is when you’ll need to tune:

As for what that new information will be, it could be anyone’s guess. However, we do have a roadmap which was shared previously, so perhaps it’s not as nebulous as first thought. The game just recently received the HungerDome in Crowfall’s recent Carnage update. This update sees 12 teams of five players each battling it out for glory.

These battles are meant to last for 30 minutes in total and follow the usual “last man standing” setup. This update also brought matchmaking for forced teams and your usual pick up groups. The update included several quality of life improvements in addition to some new features.

In fact, J. Todd Coleman, Co-Founder and Creative Director of Crowfall, is pretty proud of the update and noted,

“The Carnage update is another significant step forward on our path to launch. Adding short-session team-elimination matches to our already strong lineup of time-limited and perpetual campaigns, Crowfall now covers the full spectrum of PvP engagements for players—from a few hours to a few months to many years.”

As for today’s stream, it’s just a few short hours away. Stay tuned as the team reveals the future for Crowfall. What are you expecting to see? What are you hoping to see? Any new features? Improvements? Be sure to share your thoughts in the comments below.