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Crowfall 'The Revival' Update Receives Patch Notes

Powers, UI, and more

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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Crowfall’s The Revival update released earlier this month, but the team hasn’t rested on their laurels. The most recent patch for the update touches on a bunch of things, including powers.

The Revival brought about a new specialization system which provides players much more personalization and customization in their builds. This latest patch provides changes and improvements for the campaign, Eternal Kingdom, UI, Powers, Disciplines, along with more broad fixes.

For example, Eternal Kingdom owners or nobles can you place new parcels which is convenient. The UI saw several tweaks as well related to Bitter Cold tooltip, a few issue fixes, plus a new visual effect for the Major Discipline Butcher.

Powers saw the most changes across Champion, Confessor, Druid, Frostweaver, Ranger, and Templar. For example, Confessor saw the following:

  • Confessor: Meteor Purge will more accurately hit when the enemy is in the area of effect.
  • Confessor: Cleanse powers now add a short duration immunity for the debuff they remove.
  • Confessor: Inquisitor Fervor will now heal correctly when on different levels of terrain.

You can check out the full patch notes on their official forums here.