Dark or Light

Crowfall Recieving a New EU Campaign Today

Runs through October 7

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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If you’re in the EU and are currently partaking in the Crowfall beta, good news. A new campaign is set to go live today.

The campaign will go live at 5p CEST and will run through October 7 at 11p CEST. This will feature a new Dregs Campaign called Eljuyn. You’ll have to “fight for victory before the world is consumed by hunger.” If you want to participate, note that you will need to be at least level 20. If you’re interested in actually winning, the faction or guild who gains the most victory points by the conclusion of the campaign will be crowned victor.

In case you missed it, the latest update added an alliance system which now allows guilds to form alliances to take over territories. Naturally, you can also break these alliances for…reasons. Additions to this update include mounts, faction chests, and various performance improvements. Crafting improvements were also introduced.

Alliances were in testing since early September. Additionally, the Crowfall team had recently shared that August ended up being their single best month for backers and registrations.