The latest Crowfall Q&A for May provides an update on testing.
Currently, there are two testing environments called LIVE and TEST. LIVE is where the current live campaign exists (Ivaryn running through May 19), TEST is where War of the Gods is currently playable. The team is focused on improving performance and balance at the moment, in addition to fixes for the New Player Experience.
The Q&A also touches on game features like why buildings in Dregs are only able to be ranked to level 3. The team answers this by stating that they don’t want to make the process very lengthy due to the fact that buildings can be destroyed.
The post touches on what’s next. For TEST, the team teases an announcement for Dregs arriving on TEST, requesting as many people as possible to help test this. The team is also calling for your war stories. You can share these on Twitter using #WarStories and #CrowfallGame.
Finally, the next Q&A is currently scheduled for June 2 at 11a CDT on the official Twitch channel.