Gordon Walton, cofounder of Crowfall’s ArtCraft Entertainment, posted a community update recently outlining what’s next for the recently launched MMORPG.
Gordon begins by discussing a draft of updates conducted by the team to address some issues which had cropped up since launch. In case you missed it, Crowfall experienced DDoS attacks surrounding launch. He then dives right into what we can expect to see next in Crowfall.
It looks like the next major update is called The Shadow which has moved onto the test server. The Shadow is a 3-faction PvP game world. Additionally, there’s a new Dregs map which also seems to be on test. The test server also currently includes some pretty big changes to the Assassin and Duelist classes, in addition to some refinements for some other classes.
Gordon notes August is Shadow Month as the team ramps for the Shadow campaign set to go live across all regions this month. Shadow itself is a three faction PvP mode which sits between Gods Reach campaigns and the Dregs mode.
Speaking of Dregs, the Dregs campaign is set to kick off some time soon as well. Gordon ends the update touching on further improvements to sieges,
“We’ll have some news soon about improved balance of sieges within our zone cap, and several other issues we know are of interest to you! We are listening to your feedback, reviewing it daily, and it is driving our development priorities.”
You can check out the full community update here. In case you missed it, we had the chance to review Crowfall. We were pretty lukewarm in our assessment of the MMORPG. While we liked the stylized design, the empty world, clunky combat, and more left us wanting. Read our full review here.