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Crowfall Adds Guild Alliances and Mounts in Latest Update

Friends and Horsies!

Steven Weber Updated: Posted:
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Crowfall has just updated the game with a new Alliance system, allowing guilds to make Alliances to take over territories, or break Alliances when necessary to further their strategy. Additional features were added in the update as well, including mounts, faction chests, and performance improvements.

The Alliance system provides protection from friendly fire to Alliance members, and gives them access to city resources. City guards will not attack Alliance members, and making strategic partnerships, and knowing if and when you should break them, adds a modicum of politics to the game that will certainly provide some interesting opportunities. Other features provided in the update are:

  • Factions Chests – These will expand storage for guilds, craftsmen and player-owned markets.
  • Mounts – Mounts have been added in the form of a Quarterhorse, a Warhorse, a Nightmare Mount and a Spider Mount.
  • Crafting Improvements – Batching has been added for crafting, so crafters can make multiple items much more easily.
  • Performance Improvements – Performance updates, that include advanced performance for texture streaming is meant to aid large-scale battles and sieges, up to 175 players in a single zone.

Alliance changes have been in testing since earlier this month. Crowfall has been killing it lately, with August turning out to be their single best month for backers and registrations since the game was announced.


Steven Weber

Steven has been a writer at MMORPG.COM since 2017. A lover of many different genres, he finds he spends most of his game time in action RPGs, and talking about himself in 3rd person on his biography page.