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Crowfall 5.125 Update Will Require Wipe

Be warned

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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Update 5.125 for Crowfall will require a full wipe. Be warned.

The reminder arrives on the forums with the team warning the community of a wipe of characters, items, and bank,

“As a reminder, we have the TEST environment set up with free infinite resources right now. In advance of taking 5.125 to LIVE, we would really appreciate your help testing the stability, features and performance improvements of the new version currently on TEST.”

The update to Live will require this wipe to occur, which will also bring about several quality of life improvements requested by the community. These improvements include:

  • Extra abilities slot on the Power Bar!
  • Increased Drop Rate of Minor Disciplines
  • Higher quantities available, “buying in bulk”, at the food vendors in Temples
  • Significant performance optimizations
  • New and updated Victory Cards
  • New types of Strongholds
  • Combined NA / EU Siege Schedule

The team also addressed some player concerns in the forums regarding the wipe,

“Right now, our goal is getting the game to a balanced and quality experience for our players, so from time-to-time we will have wipes. The good news is that we are seeing gains in both gameplay balance and quality as well as in performance with each update. So, we do ask our players who are willing to help us playtest, to understand this will be part of the process. “