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Confessions of an MMO Writer

Jon Wood Posted:
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Matt Daniels, the former Lead Writer for Mythic's Warhammer Online, stops by MMORPG.com to talk a little bit about what a game writer does when working on an MMO.

As the Lead Writer for an MMO, I used to secretly envy those lucky people that got to write for single-player games. They have it so easy, I thought to myself. They've only got one player in their game, and they can make the whole game world revolve around that player. Good luck trying to make a player feel like the main character of the story when there are dozens of other main characters of the story all standing around the same quest giver, merchant or respawn point. Even better, those single-player game writers can immerse their players completely in the setting. You won't see a lot of characters with names like "King Smackahoe" or "UncleOwenzjoo" or "D33znutz" spoiling the mood in your game of Final Fantasy XIII or Mass Effect 2.

But you know, writing for an MMO isn't really so bad. In fact, there are challenges and rewards that are utterly unique to the genre.

Read Confessions of an MMO Writer.


Jon Wood