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Concord Will Still Be Featured In Prime Video's Secret Level Series Per Report

Ryan Easby Posted:
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Despite being taken offline just two weeks after its launch, Concord will see at least one last hurrah as part of Amazon's Secret Level series coming this December.

After launching in late August, Concord lasted just two weeks before being pulled offline and from storefronts on September 6th. Refunds have been offered to anybody who purchased the game, but the main question left is exactly what it means for PlayStation’s live-service strategy, especially given how much they have invested in live-service titles in recent years.

Yet, per an IGN source, Amazon Prime Video’s upcoming series Secret Level, an anthology series based on popular video game franchises such as the MMO New World, God of War, Mega Man, Armoured Core, and more, will still feature the now-dead shooter in an episode of the show. Prime Studio themselves haven’t yet announced anything in regards to the episode, with no news on whether it will remain.

It’s currently unclear what exactly to expect from the episode, however, with the show currently set to debut on December 10th, it’s likely that we learn more about it in the coming months.