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Conan Exiles Age of War Chapter 2 is Live Today

Christina Gonzalez Updated: Posted:
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After starting a new Age off with the first chapter, Conan Exiles set the stage for Age of War Chapter 2, which is going live today. Included are the rework of purges, improvements to loot throughout, adjustments to combat and dungeons, and new cosmetics.

The newly overhauled purge system is designed to put you in control. You decide whether you want to start a purge and when you want it, since you have to trigger them manually now. The Hoard Coffer interface will let you “Proclaim Wealth” to get started. The new interface also lets you sell things from your hoard for gold. You know, if you want to add more value to the bet you make when you invite a purge.

It’s all based on what’s in your hoard, so you have more control over things as you prepare to face waves of Stygian invaders whose eyes are on your riches. Face enough of them and win, and you’ll get to take on the Hand of War. If you defeat him, you’ll free the Stygian camp’s prisoners and claim loot of your own.

The team has also made it a point to improve loot across the board. Not only will loot be better, it will also fit into the environment better, as enemies will drop loot that suits their equipment, culture, and environment. The team has also sweetened things by scattering chests all around across camps and into dungeons. Dungeons not only have some new chests in them, there are some new optional bosses, adjusted loot drops, and some new mysteries to uncover. In addition, combat overall gets a couple of small tweaks to make it feel smoother.

With the arrival of a new update, there are also some new cosmetics in the Bazaar store and the start of a new Battle Pass. Among the items are new warpaint, the Vendhya Treasure Hunter, and even a pack elephant. 

The patch also improves a number of other systems, and fixes a bunch of issues. for example, some mounts and pets will be visible after being bugged as invisible before, and there are a whole series of balance updates and quality of life improvements.

Read the full details over in the patch notes at Conan Exiles.


Christina Gonzalez

Christina is MMORPG.COM’s News Editor and a contributor since 2011. Always a fan of great community and wondering if the same sort of magic that was her first guild exists anymore.