Matthew Higby, the Lead Designer on the recently announced SOE Clone Wars Adventure Project, sits down to answer a few introductory questions from our own Garrett Fuller. us some history behind the making of Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures.
Matthew Higby:SOE and LucasArts have a long-standing and successful partnership that really helped open the door to CWA getting made. While Free Realms was in development, a group from LucasArts was able to see an early demo and from there folks on both sides began getting really excited about the possibility of bringing together the Star Wars universe and the tech that had been developed for Free Realms.
Clone Wars Adventures really came to fruitionshortly after Free Realms launched and the team began working on our CWA prototype in August of 2009. Since the beginning we've been working really closely with the some great folks at LucasFilm and LucasArts to craft the most authentic and exciting Clone Wars experience possible. The dev team at SOE is made up of some of the most talented and hard-working people I've ever met and they've accomplished more in the last few months than I've seen most games do in years.
Read the Clone Wars: Introductory Interview.