Dark or Light

Charybdis Raid Boss Has Arrived in ArcheAge and ArcheAge Unchained

Plus Swiftblade class receives ancestral skills

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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Charybdis has arrived in ArcheAge and ArcheAge Unchained in the latest update.

What is Charybdis? It’s a sea monster which was sealed in Bloodsalt Bay. But now, it’s roaming the seas of Erenor. You and your friends will have to defeat Charybdis in naval battles. And of course, for your efforts, you shall be rewarded with loot.

A new solo dungeon has also arrived, called Hereafter Rebellion. You’ll be able to command armies of your own to either rescue souls for Hereafter Prestige, or stop that threat. And again, you shall be rewarded for your efforts.

Finally, the Swiftlade class will receive its own mighty Ancestral skills, enabling players to inflict even greater damage on their enemies. You’ll be able to augment some (not all) skills at levels 1, 4, and 7 with one of the eight elements. These elements include quake, gale, wave, lightning, mist, flame, stone, and life.

In other news, voting is now open for the Lucius Motion Picture Awards. You’ll be able vote for your favorite video in the following categories: Best ArcheAge Action, Best ArcheAge Romance, Best ArcheAge Documentary and Best ArcheAge Freestyle. You can cast your vote before winners are announced on March 5.