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Chapter Three Update

Jon Wood Posted:
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MMORPG.com's Richard Aihoshi recently visited with the folks from Frogster to talk about the most recent updates to their Free to play offering Runes of Magic.

It has only been a short while since the first adventurers from the continent of Candora set foot on a long-forgotten one, Zandorya. They entered the verdant region called Thunderhoof Hills. Surrounded by towering mountains, it revealed many picturesque natural landscapes. In addition, they found the Valley of Glory, where huge statues of ancient heroes stand as timeless reminders of a great war against encroaching demons.

Such an enemy was not easily defeated. However, the legendary King Kalume forged an alliance that included various races. Elves, dwarves, the rhinoceros-like Kalo and others fought valiantly beside the humans. Once they achieved their hard-won victory, he honored their contributions by dividing the land among them all.

Read the Chapter Three Update.