Dark or Light

Celebrating Its Second Anniversary

Suzie Ford Posted:
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Lunia Online is celebrating two years of play with the introduction of a new player-created spearman named Gaon. In addition to the new spearman, devs have several anniversary events planned for the upcoming days that include bonus experience and free in-game items.

In honor of the occasion, ijji is announcing Lunia's Second Anniversary Celebration, which commences Thursday, Oct. 14 with the Gaon update. The Second Anniversary Celebration offers loyal Lunians the opportunity to earn bonus experience points and free items. Players can also take part in The Spearman's Mission, a three-part objective in honor of Gaon's introduction to the Rodesia Continent.

Read more here.


Suzie Ford

Suzie is the former Associate Editor and News Manager at MMORPG.com. Follow her on Twitter @MMORPGMom