Norrath is celebrating in EverQuest II with the Beast’r Eggstravaganza. The event is now live and features both new and returning content for you to dive into.
Of course, the event highlight is the search for Beast’r Eggs across Norrath. find them and you’ll be able to get flavor pets. There are also items to grab from the Beast’r Eggschanger merchant, Achievements to earn, and of course, quests. Take on several Overseer Quests to earn yourself some themed loot. And while you’re at it, there’s a Colorful Egg Shells Collection to complete.
With each returning event, there’s usually some new content. this year, you’ll be able to collect 11 new items from the Eggschanger merchants. These new items include the Beast’r Egg house pets, for a festive reminder of just how you got the pets (which are available in different colors) in the first place.
All servers are participating in the full event, as none of the rules conflict. So whether you’re on the Live server, or playing on Kael Drakkel, Tarinax, or Kaladim, you can complete every part of the event this time around.
This event comes right after the most recent content update, Coffers and Coffins, went live this week, so there’s lots to do in EQ2 right now. This update directly follows story and dungeon content from the Visions of Vetrovia expansion, so it’s a very different mood from the colorful celebration available for egg collecting.
Yet whether or not you feel like the spookier content is more your thing, or if you’d like to celebrate Tunare as the season of Growth is upon the lands, they’re available for your choosing now in EQ2.
The Beast’r Eggstravaganza will run through April 20th at 11:59 PM PDT. Find out more over at the official announcement at EverQuest II.