World of Warcraft turns 20 this year and Blizzard has plans to celebrate the momentous occasion for the now venerable MMORPG with a number of new activities and different ways to earn currency.
The anniversary festivities run between October 22, 2024 and January 6, 2025 and players can earn a new currency called Bronze Celebration Tokens redeemable for new collection items.
As part of the fun, players will be able to go back to the Blackrock Depths raid either by forming their own group of 10 to 15 players or by queuing via the Raid Finder. The raid will be available in both Normal and Heroic difficulties.
Iconic Tier 2 armor sets have been given a more modern facelift and the revamp also includes sets for classes that weren’t available during their original run, such as Monks and Evokers. These sets can be purchased with Bronze Celebration Tokens.
A new Timewalking event will send players back to the original versions of Deadmines, Zul’Farrak, Dire Maul, and Stratholme’s living and undead dungeons. Players can earn “epic new rewards” by queuing for the event via Group Finder or Adventure Journal.
There’s plenty more Blizzard has in store for players to celebrate 20 years of WoW. Learn all about the celebration over at the official World of Warcraft website.