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Catch Up in Dark Age of Camelot with Its 11th Caledonia Event

Casey Bell Posted:
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Dark Age of Camelot kicked off its 11th Caledonia event earlier this week. The seven day event takes place in the Realm-vs-Realm enabled Caledonia zone and provides a means for players to rapidly progress to endgame. It concludes on Monday, April 29.

Players partaking in this event will begin their adventure at level 1 and will quickly level up, acquire gear, master levels, champion levels, and realm ranks.

The major difference in this latest Caledonia event is the fact that Player vs. Player is enabled, allowing players to group with or attack other players regardless of their chosen realm.

Players who join the event will be automatically transported to the Caledonia battleground. Players are free to leave, but once left they cannot return. All the creatures, guards, and siege weapons have been removed from the zone. Players can only progress by killing each other and completing quests.

All players will remain in the same zone for the duration of the event and each day will have a level cap that increases every 24 hours until reaching level 50. Characters that are 5 levels or more beneath the day’s cap will receive a significant bonus to damage received and dealt against higher level players and will earn double experience and BP as well.

For more details, read the full notes over at the official DAOC website.