
Dark or Light

... But Then They Changed What "It" Was

Jon Wood Posted:
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MMORPG.com's Jon Wood writes this week's column on how many gamers are dissatisfied with the current crop of MMOs because the kind of game they like are things of the past.

Jon Wood

I used to be with it, but then they changed what "it" was. Now, what I'm with isn't it, and what's "it" seems weird and scary to me. - Abe "Grandpa" Simpson

2010 will mark my 30th year on this planet, and depending on who you ask and who's reading this, that's either going to be met with wonder at how old I am (get a real job grandpa, move aside for someone younger), or thoughts that I have no right to be complaining (I'd give my good knee to be 30 again).

Personally, I'm choosing to approach this milestone in a contemplative mood and it's gotten me thinking. I actually sat down recently with friends and discussed things that "kids today" would never know, or have never known. That, I fear, is the first sign that you're getting older. When you start to really notice (and worse start talking about) how different the world is today from "when I grew up," you just know that what "it" is has changed. You're just not in the demographic the world revolves around anymore.

Read ... But Then They Changed What "It" Was.


Jon Wood