Broken Ranks has a development update and a roadmap for 2025, with new features, overhauls, new endgame content, and some promised reworks.
One of the new features they announced is something called the Rage bar. Since Broken Ranks uses a percentage-based system, sometimes your luck really stinks. The team wanted to offer something to help make up for the frustration. When that bad luck happens and your attacks don't land or an attack lands on you despite having a low probability to hit, there’s a positive in the works. These unlucky situations will start generating a new resource and when you fill the bar, you'll be able to use a new action.
The Whitemoon Games team hasn’t finalized them yet, but they plan on three passive skills that are focused on areas, like giving you an extra attack, better defense, or even giving you better loot. they'll update with more details later closer to when they plan on releasing the update.
Also on the way is Act 4, the next chapter in the main storyline. They tease what’s coming for those who are caught up: “A development of the plotlines unfolding in the occupied Thalia. You’ll have the chance to look straight into the heart of Utorian evil.”
Right now, getting together and taking risks to strategically defeat bosses isn't very appealing. The devs acknowledge that farming weaker enemies is more attractive because the gains are consistent. Enter the new Challenge Arena, based on the birthday event they ran in the Dive. After positive feedback, they’ve decided to make it a permanent feature. Expect it to appear every few days or so and embody high risk, high reward.
The last time the team added a top level boss was two years ago. Instead of keeping everyone waiting a year or more to create a full endgame zone, they are adding an instanced area with a single very challenging boss with a new mechanic that affects power progression. it sounds like they're looking to keep this challenging over time and add to your character's growth. It lets them add something sooner rather than later while still planning that other stuff for down the road.
They'll also be reworking a number of systems, including the pet system, to give you more control over your pets, to make them more useful, making it easier to assemble parties and to expand character progression options.
As for the mobile version, it's still in development and while we won't be getting a release date, later this month they'll release a development update.