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Borderlands 3's End Game Receives an Overhaul

Plus new seasonal event

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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Borderlands 3 has received an endgame overhaul, plus the new seasonal event is available. Here are the details.

The endgame, dubbed Mayhem Mode 2.0, brings changes to the game which completely revamps the current system. In its place are new challenges which unlock once you’ve finished the main story campaign. You can effectively increase the difficulty in exchange for better loot drops. Here’s how the team describes the new system,

“For starters, there are now more than 25 all-new game-changing modifiers…Each modifier is rated as Easy, Medium, Hard, or Very Hard, and each of the 10 difficulty levels in Mayhem 2.0 uses a specific mix of these ratings, though the modifiers themselves are selected at random from within those ratings pools.”

The seasonal event is also live, called Revenge of the Cartels. The event is free and is live until June 4. It brings a new area to the game, including new enemies, limited-time challenges, and new gear. This new gear includes new legendaries and anointments. You’re tasked with finding glowing Cartel Operatives and eliminating them. Fight through hordes and defeat the underboss for a chance at loot.

You can learn more here.