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Blood & Treasure: New Content & Features for Reaper of Souls

Suzie Ford Posted:
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With last month's revelation that the Diablo III team was looking for personnel with a love of the IP, many hoped that Blizzcon 2015 might reveal a new expansion or even Diablo IV. Given the title of today's panel, it's more likely the former than the latter but Blizzard always has a few surprises. Keep your eye on this space as we provide the details as they emerge from Anaheim.

The D3 panel should get going here in about 5 minutes!

Blood & Treasure: New Content for Reaper of Souls - The team takes the stage!

We're not done yet. We have so much more to give you guys!

Patch 2.4 - Our biggest and our best

  • Two new areas
  • Set dungeons

New areas:

  • The Eternal Woods - adjacent to Sescheron - hunting grounds of the Yeti and the reanimated victims of their feasting
  • The Royal Quarters - Leoric's Manor - this time you take the stairs to the right to go into Leoric's private quarters to find a dead city and a secret

New Zone:

  • Greyhollow Island - a forest - seven new events - adventure mode storytelling, 16 new monsters (Bone Breaker, cousin to the yeti; the Flesh Harvester, a large  crab with minions called Amputators; Glowing Death is a wasp nest trap that, if disturbed, cause them to attack

New bounties - over 175 new bounties split between Acts III, IV, V. They are a mix of standard bounties, new events and something called Bounty Grounds. Players find a red portal to a special world, one of six small enclosed worlds with a new type of bounty. 

Systems & Features

Changes based on feedback: 

  • Buff UI - passives that are always up will get a golden frame around it. Skills with cooldowns will have a timer on the top of the ability icon in the bar
  • A single buff box that when highlighted brings up an ascending bar that collapses when not toggled
  • Monster health to be reduced in solo, 2- and 3-player rifts
  • Increasing monster XP across the entire game and gonus multipliers from massacre combat
  • Making gold valuable again but make it optional. Empowered Rift - like a greater rift where you pay extra gold to get in and if completed in the allotted time, players get a fourth gem upgrade chance. 
  • New Recipe for Kanai's Cube - Permanently augment an ancient item by sacrificing a legendary gem.  The higher the level of the legendary gem, the more augment bonus becomes

Items & Set Dungeons

  • Over 50 new legendaries
  • 10 sets have been revived - some reworked completely to make them more interesting
  • The Shadow's Mantle reworked 
  • Set Dungeons - deviously designed dungeons that are built around certain sets.  Dungeons are built around exploiting certain sets


  • Rebirth - keep all gear mailed to main account, keep hours played, keep character records
  • For the length of the season, you play beginning at level 1 but don't lose the things you've earned
  • There will be a short break between seasons
  • Season 5 onward will be 3 months
  • No season legendaries - all will become available in all iterations of the game
  • Playing through seasons, players will be guaranteed a full set each season (a different one each season)
  • Every season journey you play, you get a new season tab for free up to a maximum of 10-tabs (doubling stash space)

Patch 2.4 will (hopefully) PTR next week, Wednesday or Thursday!


Suzie Ford

Suzie is the former Associate Editor and News Manager at MMORPG.com. Follow her on Twitter @MMORPGMom