Dark or Light

Blizzard Shares Updated Covenant Class and Signature Abilities for Shadowlands

Not everything is updated, however

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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Blizzard has shared an update on the Covenant Class and Signature abilities, with some being tweaked for the upcoming Shadowlands expansion for World of Warcraft later this year.

Not all abilities have been tweaked. For example, Demon Hunter Necrolord’s Father to the Flame has been updated,

“Commission a duel to the death against a Condemned Demon from the Theater of Pain. Vanquishing your foe releases its demon soul and creates a pool of demon blood. Fighting within the pool increases your attack speed by 20% and reduces the damage that enemies deal to you by 10%. Fleshcraft treats the Condemned Demon as a powerful enemy.”

Additional class abilities which appear to have changed include,

  • Hunters - Night Fae - Wild Spirits.
  • Monks - Venthyr - Fallen Order
  • Monks - Night Fae - Faeline Stomp.
  • Paladins - Necrolord - Vanquisher's Hammer
  • Paladins - Night Fae - Blessing of the Seasons: Blessing of Autumn, Blessing of Spring, Blessing of Summer, Blessing of Winter.
  • Priests - Night Fae - Fae Blessings.
  • Rogues - Night Fae - Sepsis.
  • Shaman - Night Fae - Fae Transfusion.
  • Warriors - Night Fae - Ancient Aftershock.

In looking at the full list, it appears that Night Fae has experienced the most changes. You can take a look at the full list here. And check out the interview of Lead Encounter Designer Morgan Day with Preach while you’re at it.