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Blizzard Requests Feedback for World of Warcraft's Torghast

Team directly addresses Torments

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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Blizzard is looking for feedback on World of Warcraft’s Torghast. Here are the details.

In a recent forum post, Blizzard notes that they don’t intend to make Torghast into a super fast paced timed mode. To that end, they added Torments which are meant to, “provide some additional texture for players at high levels.”

They outline exactly what they intend with Torments, which is to apply “just enough pressure” that the player group can kill all the creatures, but still remaining careful while using CC, and to generally strategize.

They also outline what Torments shouldn’t do,

  • Make Torghast into a fast-paced, time-constrained feature that feels too similar to existing timed features like Mythic Keystone Dugeons, Horrific Visions, or Island Expeditions.
  • Prevent you from taking a break when you need one.
  • Intimidate casual players from playing Torghast altogether.

To that end, Blizzard is specifically requesting feedback on Torghast. They want to know if it feels too rushed, if you were not able to defeat a level specifically because of Torments, if you wanted to take a break in the middle of it all, and more.

You can check out all the items Blizzard is requesting feedback on here. What are your thoughts on Torments?