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Blizzard Brings Back Winds of Wisdom XP Bonus and Begins Another Round of Torghast: Beasts of Prodigum

Christina Gonzalez Updated: Posted:
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As promised, Blizzard has brought back the Winds of Wisdom XP bonus, at least until Dragonflight’s pre-patch is out. World of Warcraft has also begun another round of  the Torghast: Beasts of Prodigum event.

This 50% experience buff is for all characters in the live game that are level 10-59 to get leveled up and to continue racking up the skills and achievements at an accelerated pace. Once any eligible character you are playing hit level 60, the bonus will stop applying to that character. All players who want to take advantage of the bonus this time will be able to do so until the pre-patch for the Dragonflight expansion goes live. With the expansion itself set to release on November 28th, expect weeks of time to nail down that progression bonus.

World of Warcraft has also begun another round of the Torghast: Beasts of Prodigum event. This event is part of three related events held this year with Shadowlands. In this event, you can journey through Torghast, Tower of the Damned, with a maw pet that you can enhance using Anima Powers. Once you pick the event Anima Power at the start of the dungeon, this will change all others you have a chance to get into ones that will benefit and buff your chosen maw pet. If you don't pick the event power and you choose one of the regular ones, you won't get any of the event abilities at all. 

The event powers are marked, and one example given is Beasts of the Prodigum. This will give your maw pet a nice 100% boost to  damage done while in combat, at the cost of 2% health every second while in combat. Good for quick, destructive blows, and not so much for a long, strategic encounter.

This event will also run one last time on December 27th. The other related events will also each happen one more time this year.

For more on the event, see the announcement at World of Warcraft.


Christina Gonzalez

Christina is MMORPG.COM’s News Editor and a contributor since 2011. Always a fan of great community and wondering if the same sort of magic that was her first guild exists anymore.