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Blankos Block Party New Party Pass Drops August 25

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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The new Party Pass for Blankos Block Party drops August 25 and brings seven play-to-earn NFTs, new challenges, currency rewards, and more.

The new party pass is called Hustle and Glow. Along with the NFTs, it also brings six new accessories and one new Blanko. The pass releases at 10a PDT on August 25 and will run through October 6 at 10a PDT.

The team also provided an update on Season 0, notably, player requests for more content, improved playlists, and more social features. They’ve been looking at feedback and, to accommodate the additional work, expanded their team. They note,

“All of this means that we’re taking additional time in this Season 0 phase to develop the game further. Moving forward, we’ll still be in Season 0 Early Access, but you will still be getting fresh new content from patches and Party Passes.”

However, they’re not ready to call Blankos Block Party “Season 1” yet. Stay tuned for more updates from the team on this front. Finally, anyone who logged into the game from June 2 and August 3 can receive the following ahead of their next pass:

  • 5000 Moola
  • 10x 2,000 XP Chips
  • 2 Gumballs - Rainbow and Sunnay

You can learn more here. The team announced Early Access back in June during E3 and spoke to various collaborations.