The summer season has officially kicked off in Black Desert Console, with Dream Horses for all, a tribute to a fallen player, a new season to start a brand new character, season pass, and more to enjoy.
Dream Horses are here, with the ability to get Vipko’s Dreaming Horse by combining Vipiko’s Rocking Horse and Vipiko’s Calling Horn via manufacture. If you do this you will be able to pick one of several Dream Horse emblems to select which horse you want or a Mythical Censer bundle with five attempts to awaken a Dream Horse. The Dream Horse is one of the most anticipated new features. A horse picked through Vipiko’s Dreaming Horse will have 100% mastery of all skills at level 1.
There are other things in the update, including some class balance changes, additional work to remove pet levels and change their systems, quest tweaks, and more.
Pearl Abyss has created a Starbound Adventurer statue on a pedestal in the battle arena in Calpheon in memory of a player named BRASILTEAM, who died and was acknowledged at the recent Festa event.
For those who are in the mood for some summer events, the Coelacanth has returned. Catch them on all servers by fishing and exchange them for some new rewards, including boxes, certain stones, weapon coupons, and more helpful items. You'll also be able to sell the coelacanth you catch for 500,000 silver. Every Thursday, the weekly exchange quests will reset so you'll be able to take them on starting tomorrow.
A new season is upon us, so of course it's time to create a new season character to take them all the way through season graduation and earn yourself some rewards. , with a new season comes a new season pass. By leveling up your season characters, you'll be able to walk away with Rewards from the free or the premium tier passes. For example, level your season character to level five and you'll get a bonus inventory +2 expansion. There are lots more events to walk away with.
Full details on the season at Black Desert Console.