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Beta Testing in 2011?

Suzie Ford Updated: Posted:
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Thanks to the eagle eyes of MMORPG.com user, Dinams, a new piece of information has been uncovered on the official Guild Wars 2 FAQ page. The post indicates that a small alpha test and beta testing will likely occur in 2011. Whether this is indicative of a 2012 release or not is unknown but it is good news for fans clamoring for beta testing.

When will there be a beta?

We will be conducting small closed alpha and beta tests in 2011. The feedback from these tests will determine when we will do public beta tests and ship the game. Guild Wars 2 is a very large and ambitious game, and Guild Wars players rightfully have very high expectations. We want players to be absolutely blown away by the game the first time they experience it.

Read more here.

Participate in Dinams's forum thread here.


Suzie Ford

Suzie is the former Associate Editor and News Manager at MMORPG.com. Follow her on Twitter @MMORPGMom