If you’ve wanted to dismantle your mount, well, now you can thanks to a new Astellia patch.
This new patch will allow you to dismantle mounts just like your normal equipment. This does not apply to basic mounts, however. Once dismantled, you’ll receive a Markarv’s Meteorite. You can then use this item to craft a mount. You can check out the crafting recipes on the patch notes.
The patch also brings about several skill rebalances for Warrior, Assassin, Archer, and Mage. For example, the Warrior skills rebalances include:
- Adamantium Armor’s cooldown: 10 minutes -> 5 minutes.
- Piercing Strike’s damage: Each damage increases by 10%.
- Shield Blow’s Stun probability rate increase: 20% -> 60%
- Overpower: Single target -> Range attack
- Savage Kick cooldown: 27 seconds -> 45 seconds
- [Crusader] Adamantium Armor cooldown: 4 minutes -> 2 minutes.
- [Gladiator] Cleaving Strike: Will change to a charge attack with an attack range of 16m.
- [Gladiator] Awakened Shield Blow’s Stiffen probability: 40% -> 90%.