The latest Ashes of Creation monthly stream featured a new demo of the Fighter class archetype, along with details on the style, overhauled mechanics and abilities.
The Fighter is one of the archetypes set for the upcoming Alpha 2 this year for the MMORPG, and the Intrepid Studios team is ready to show off where the class is now, after a thorough overhaul. What has changed is almost everything, since the combat system itself has been overhauled and the Fighter has new abilities they’re showing off first now.
First up is a class energy system, so you’ll get to build this as you take actions. This is an archetype resource, Combat Momentum, and you’ll use this to get some passive power to your kit. There are a few ways to take advantage of this. We got a look at a series of abilities, many of which are also resource building moves so as you use them you’ll see the bar rise.
In redesigning the archetype, they've been looking to create a dynamic combat experience that is highly mobile, aggressive– it is a Fighter after all–and using the Momentum system to manage energy and take advantage of building that energy to unleash even more rapid and brutal attacks as needed. This could be very versatile but the management and reading the situations you find yourself in will be important.
Some of their goals in the overhauled Fighter archetype is to have a fluid combat class, with strategic depth, choices to be made, and ways to tailor the experience to your personal playstyle and preferences. The team breaks down a number of the abilities and how they interact with each other, as well as lend themselves to combos and strategic gameplay.
They also discussed progression such as using the game's weapon skill trees, which are separate to allow flexibility in choosing to pursue weapon Mastery alongside the abilities inherent to your archetype. This means a lot more customization options, so you're not locked into any one style or even any particular weapon class.
The Fighter demo itself clocks in at more than 90 minutes long and was part of the nearly three hour monthly stream. So if you want the biggest and most in-depth look at this upcoming archetype, hit play on that video..