When it comes to revamping the World versus World system, Guild Wars 2 has had a bumpy ride so far. With the first beta ending after only a couple of hours in late September, the team came back to explain what happened, the issues they still needed to address, and originally planned a new beta for November. This was later postponed due to an outstanding issue.
The ArenaNet team is ready to try again, and today they are starting a pre-test in order to see if going ahead is possible. Between today and December 2nd they will be running a pre-test build in the background of regular WvW play. Players shouldn’t notice any differences, but they’ll use the live player data and the new build to see if going ahead is possible. If things look good, expect the next beta to take place from December 3-10th.
Today, November 30th, through December 2nd at 11:59 p.m. Pacific time, you'll choose what Guild you want to matchmake with for the beta event. Log in and check the WvW panel and make your guild selection. You can also choose to be matched as an individual.
Just log in and play WvW as you normally would. The test is running in the background so players shouldn’t notice anything different. WvW Restructuring will be enabled and they will matchmake players with the new system built into the teams they're already assigned to in the World Linking system. If the test of the new system works, then they'll go ahead with the new beta on Friday. If they need to roll something back and either patch in a fix, if possible, or delay the next beta. Testing this way, at scale, should give them a good way to know and announce the decision to the community soon.
For more on this background test, see the announcement at Guild Wars 2.