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ArcheAge Will Not Merge Auction Houses After All, Matchmaking Merge Goes Ahead

Christina Gonzalez Updated: Posted:
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Recently, the Kakao Games team announced that the auction houses for ArcheAge would be merge on both the EVO server and the new servers, combining the auction houses for greater access for all players, regardless of where their characters were based. However, today the team announced that there will be no merger of the auction houses, but that the planned merge for the matchmaking system will continue.

This outcome comes after community feedback that followed and the auction houses will remain separate. this lets players have control over the trades that they have on different servers, but when it comes to matchmaking, making that merge  make sense for better population.

If a player uses the matchmaking system after it has been updated, since the auction houses will be remaining separate, this is a consideration the team had to sort out. What will happen is if characters on the new servers enter the Garden of the Gods in the new server through the newly merged matchmaking system,  they will be able to access the auction house. This access will also be granted to EVO server players who enter the new server’s Garden of the Gods via the new merged matchmaking system. But under other circumstances, access may be unavailable.

The update will be live this Thursday, June 16th, and the following content will also be updated at that time:

- Brilliant Erenor Equipment, Exalted Hiram Guardian Equipment

- Garden of the Gods

- Ipnya Ridge

- Ipnysh Sanctuary

- Auroria Community Center

The date of this update also gives some time for any confusion to be worked out before the next major content update, The Great Prairie of the West, on June 23rd. 

For more on the auction house decision, as well as some of the details on making sure you have access if you use the new system, head over to ArcheAge.


Christina Gonzalez

Christina is MMORPG.COM’s News Editor and a contributor since 2011. Always a fan of great community and wondering if the same sort of magic that was her first guild exists anymore.