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ArcheAge: Unchained 'Refer a Friend' Program Extended to August 31

You and friend can both receive rewards

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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You can now take advantage of ArcheAge Unchained’s Refer A Legend program through August 31 as it’s seen an extension.

The program is effectively a “refer a friend” program. To refer people, you can head to the Refer a Legend page. From there, sign into your account, and then share the invitation link on Facebook or Twitter. Your friend can then click it, sign up, and be off.

The more people you refer, the more rewards you can receive. For example, the Tier 1 rewards include “Thick as Thieves” Title and “Symbol of Friendship” Icon, and 1000 Credits. Whereas Tier 3 (referring five friends) nets you Albino Yata*, Cheerberry Yata Chroma, “Erenor Fellowship” Title, 5000 Credits (*The Albino Yata mount is without stats and power.)

As for your friend, well they’ll receive an New Adventure Box with several goodies inside such as:

  • Elixir of Friendship x10
  • Dried Batwing Headband
  • Black Shiba Inu pet
  • Astral Weapon Crate
  • Fusion Alembic x5
  • Extraction Alembic x5
  • “Thick as Thieves” Title
  • “Symbol of Friendship” Icon
  • Icon Swap Certificate