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ArcheAge Unchained Fresh Start Land Rush Starts Today

Both EU and NA

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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The land rush for ArcheAge Unchained’s Fresh Start servers is happening today.

Land rush will allow you to claim land in order to build a farm, a house, or even a fellowship plaza. The event is set to occur for both EU Fresh Start servers and NA Fresh Start servers. The EU will start today at 8a UTC, while NA will begin at 10a PDT. To that end, the team suggests already having Tax Certificates in addition to your desired design before the rush starts.

This way, you’re not scrambling at the last minute trying to sort these things out. If you’re looking for designs, you can pick them up at Mirage Isle, the marketplace, in addition to the Diligence Store. Tax Certificates can be purchased using Diligence Coins. You can also complete Blue Salt Brotherhood quests.

In case you missed it, the latest expansion, called Garden of the Gods, is available. You can check out our extensive preview of the expansion here.