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ArcheAge Unchained Free Weekend Starts August 28

Plus discounts on the game packs

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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If you’ve been interested in trying out ArcheAge: Unchained, good news! ArcheAge Unchained will host a free weekend starting August 28 and running through September 2.

The free trial will be hosted on Steam in addition to Gamigo’s own platform, Glyph. During the free trial, it looks like you’ll have access to the base game allowing you to trade, hunt monsters, grind dungeons, collect loot, and more. Additionally, the three game packs will be discounted during the free trial period.

In recent ArcheAge Unchained news, the team deployed a patch earlier which fixed the completely-on-the-nose “Socially Distant” and “Quarantined” titles. Some other fixes brought about by this maintenance patch include:

  • Fixed the description of the Immortal Warden Awakening Scrolls to state it only works on Radiant Disciple Equipment.
  • Fixed the description of the Mistsong Banquet Reward Crate Rank 6 to state that all drops are guaranteed.
  • A potential fix to alleviate lag in Auroria during Vyrava spawns
  • Items from the Ipnysh Sanctuary are no longer sellable on the Auction House.

Additionally, the Refer a Friend program has been extended to the end of this month, ending on August 31, giving you and your friend time to receive rewards if you so choose.