The free trial for ArcheAge: Unchained returns for good this time. Here are the details.
The team write that after multiple free trial events, it has now returned to stay if you use the code AAU3DAYS. This code will give you access for 72 hours (three days) of play time through Glyph, their launcher. Once you’ve activated the trial and played through your 72 total hours, you’ll be able to continue your adventures should you decide to buy the game. Keep in mind, you’ll only be able to activate that trial once.
Additionally, should you choose to buy the game through Glyph, you will not be able to install it from Steam. However, no matter where you decided to buy the game, you should be able to continue your character and progress.
Another thing to note is that labor regen for free trial players is not enabled. The team notes this is implemented to, “prevent shenanigans.” You’ll still be able to hunt and quest all you want, however. For more information on the free trial, check out the full post here.