The Crest Cube Design Contest is currently underway in ArcheAge Unchained, and here’s how you can participate.
All you have to do is create a unique design with Crest Cubes. The team leaves it pretty open with how exactly you should go about it, or what the design should look like. You should submit your entry on Twitter and on the official Facebook post for AAU or AA. There will be three winners for each version of the game. Here are the prizes:
- First-place winners will receive a Mount* of their choice.
- Second-place winners will receive a Costume* of their choice.
- Third place winners will receive 500 Credits
Regarding the mount, it must have already been sold in the marketplace or Glyph Store for the version of the game you’re playing. It also needs to be bind on pickup. Apart from those submission guidelines, you’ll have till December 3 to submit your entries. Winners will be announced on December 11 on Twitter, Facebook, Steam, Discord, and Blog. If you win, you’ll be contacted separately.