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ArcheAge Unchained Announces Garden of the Gods Contest

Leading up to Garden of the Gods Release on June 11

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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ArcheAge and ArcheAge Unchained have announced a Garden of the Gods contest, running through June 10.

The contest is will end the day before Garden of the Gods drops on June 11. If you recall, Garden of the Gods will include a new story expansion with 59 quests, new rewards, and new challenges. To that end, the team wants you to show your excitement for the release for a change to win either ArcheAge Garden of the Gods Archeum Pack, or ArcheAge: Unchained Garden of the Gods Archeum DLC.

To enter the contest, you’ll need to grab a GIF , video, or screenshot with your friends or guild members in from of the Garden Door in the Navel of the World on their Public Test Server. GIFs cannot be longer than 15 seconds. You can edit your entry with text, colors, filters, and more.

Enter the contest using #ArcheAgeGotG, or through the official Facebook channels here and here. Note, there are no limits for how many submissions you can enter, so feel free to create as many as you like. For a full list of prizes, and the ever-important Terms and Conditions, check out the official contest page here.