Dark or Light

ArcheAge Unchained Advent Event 2020 Continues

Runs all month long

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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Several MMOs are already in full swing celebrating the holidays, and ArcheAge Unchained is no different with their own advent calendar.

Their advent calendar is already underway and is set to run throughout this month. Check the Glyph Store for your game to see which rewards you can claim that day. Rewards will be include in daily claimable advent gifts and daily advent sales.

Examples of daily claimable advent gifts include:

  • Diligence Coins (AAU) / Manastorm Crystals (AA)
  • Glorious Hiram Infusions
  • Holiday Themed House Decor Items
  • Bound Labor Rechargers
  • Holiday Themed Weapon Image Items

Daily advent sales for ArcheAge include:

  • Naima Plushie
  • Full Kit: Desserted Cottage
  • Freezing Soulscar
  • A brand-new Holiday Costume

If you’re an ArcheAge Unchained player, you can see the following daily advent sales:

  • A brand-new Holiday Costume
  • Full Kit: Desserted Cottage
  • Winter Wonderland Furniture Bundle

If you missed an item on a specific day, any of the advent sale items will be available again from December 24-26.