The ArcheAge Unchained team is teasing “something is coming” on their Twitter page.
The Tweet is short and contains an ominous video of a mirror shrouded in mist,
“The mist is clearing. Something is coming. #ArcheAge #AAUnchained #MMORPG”
Someone asked when we, the community, might expect this. The community team merely replied with, “Sooner than you think,” before telling us to expect details soon. Elsewhere, there was an issue over the weekend where some players had apparently not received their bonus credits. The team acknowledged this on their official Discord server and wrote,
“Over the weekend, the team recognized an issue that players were not receiving their bonus Credits. This issue has since been fixed, and the team is currently working on granting the bonus Credits to the affected players for both ArcheAge and ArcheAge: Unchained. We apologize for the inconvenience, and will notify you when the bonus Credits have been granted.”
So if this affected you, be sure to check your account to make sure you received those credits.